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Sustainable Concepts for C–C and C–Heteroatom Bond Formation

题 目:Sustainable Concepts for C–C and C–Heteroatom Bond Formation
报告人:Lukas Gooßen 教授
单 位:Technical University Kaiserslautern
时 间:2015/3/19 09:30
地 点:化学楼四楼报告厅
Lukas Gooßen studied Chemistry at the universities of Bielefeld and Michigan and performed his master thesis in the group of K. P.C. Vollhardt at UC Berkeley. He was awarded a Ph.D. in 1997 for research on N-heterocyclic carbene complexes supervised by W.A. Herrmann at the TU Munich, and pursued postdoctoral research with Nobel laureate K.B. Sharpless. He began his professional career as an industrial chemist at Bayer AG in 1999, then moved back to academia to the group of M.T. Reetz, MPI for Coal Research for his Habilitation, and further to RWTH Aachen. Since 2005, he is professor at the TU Kaiserslautern. Lukas Gooßen has authored 25 patents and more than 125 peer-reviewed publications, which have been cited more than 6000 times. His research is devoted to the development of novel concepts for C-C- and C-heteroatom bond formation designed to reduce the production of waste salts and effluents. Recent awards include the Jochen-Block award of the DECHEMA (2003), the Carl-Duisberg Award of the GDCh (2007), the Novartis Young Investigator Award (2007), and the AstraZeneca Award in Organic Chemistry (2008). 

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