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Molecular Metal Wires From Homonuclear Metal String Complexes to Heteronuclear Metal String Complexes

题 目:Molecular Metal Wires From Homonuclear Metal String Complexes to Heteronuclear Metal String Complexes
报告人:彭旭明(Shie-Ming Peng) 院士
单 位:台湾大学
时 间:2017/10/31 09:00
地 点:纳米楼一楼报告厅
The study of metal string complexes with 1-D transition metal frameworks began in the early 1990s. Since these complexes provide great insight into multiple metal-metal bonds, and may have potential applications as molecular wires, this field of research has grown in the past 20 years. As such, the electronic structure of the simplest trinuclear complexes, the supporting ligand systems, and single molecular conductance of metal string complexes are discussed. This review will introduce the development of this field and summarize some important results in the newly designed heteronuclear metal string complexes (HMSCs). These molecules may be of great interest in studying the nature of heterometallic electronic effects and molecular electronic applications.

报告网页链接如下:彭旭明(Shie-Ming Peng)院士学术报告链接