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Resource Recovery from Wastewater Using Bioelectrochemical Systems: Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow

 目:Resource Recovery from Wastewater Using Bioelectrochemical Systems: Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow 
 位:Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA 24061, U.S.A. (
 间:2018/6/21  10:30 AM
Sustainable wastewater treatment demands maximized resource recovery and minimized resource consumption. Recovery of valuable resources such as energy, nutrient, water, and other value-added products, will help offset resource consumption by wastewater treatment. Bioelectrochemical systems (BES), as an emerging treatment concept, have attracted a great deal of attention in the past decades. BES rely on the interaction between microorganisms and solid electron acceptor/donors to achieve bioelectricity generation (in microbial fuel cells – MFCs), hydrogen production (in microbial electrolysis cells–MECs), desalination (in microbial desalination cells–MDCs), and organic synthesis (in microbial electrosynthesis cells). Nutrients such as ammonia and phosphorous can also be recovered through electricity-driven processes. BES have been greatly advanced in the aspects of microbiology, chemistry, materials, electrochemistry, and reactor design/operation. However, there still lack successful pilot-scale demonstrations of BES. In this presentation, we will provide an overview of historical evolvement of BES, current status of representative BES technologies, and perspectives towards future development. A key missing parameter in BES research, energy performance including both energy recovery and consumption, will be analysed in depth for various BES technologies. The synergy between BES and other existing/new technologies, such as membrane bioreactors, algal bioreactors, and forward osmosis, will be discussed with a focus on resource recovery. The key challenges, for example system scaling up, operation optimization, and material selection, will also be discussed.   
贺震博士是弗吉尼亚理工大学土木与环境工程系教授。弗吉尼亚理工大学(Virginia Tech)是美国的一所主要研究型大学,位于弗吉尼亚州西南部的黑堡(Blacksburg),其环境工程研究生项目排全美第六名。贺震教授2000年毕业于同济大学环境工程系,之后在丹麦科技大学取得硕士学位和圣路易斯华盛顿大学获得博士学位。在南加州大学从事两年的博士后研究后,他于2009年加入威斯康辛大学密尔沃基分校做助理教授,开始独立研究。四年后,转入弗吉尼亚理工大学任副教授(tenured),2017年晋升为正教授。贺震教授的研究主要关于污水生物处理,资源回收,微生物电化学系统,和膜处理技术。他已经发表超过170篇期刊论文,收到近9000次引用,H index 47。他是三个国际期刊的副主编:Science of the Total Environment, Journal of Environmental Engineering, Water Environment Research;同时也是Chemical Engineering Journal的编委会成员。贺震教授是华人环境学者工程师协会(CESPN)的创始人之一,也是美国华人环境工程与科学教授协会(CAPEES2017年的会长。他于2018年获得美国土木协会颁发的Walter L. Huber Civil Engineering Research Prize。更多的信息可以参见他的实验室主页