2008年任职于中科院福建物质结构研究所,开展肿瘤生物学研究。近年来致力于靶向性抗肿瘤药物及抗菌药物的研发及其介导的光动力治疗研究,在Acta Biomaterialia, Nanoscale, Theranostics, Bioconjugate Chemistry等刊物发表SCI论文40多篇,近5年SCI他引880多次;申请国内外发明专利10多项。
联系方式:Email: zchen@fjirsm.ac.cn Tel: (591)-63173094
Prof. Zhuo Chen received her Ph.D. in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology fromFujian Institute of Research on the Structure of Matter (FJIRSM), Chinese Academy of Sciences (Fuzhou, China)following her MD in Pharmacology from Fujian Medical University (Fuzhou, China) and her BS in Pharmacology from Chinese Pharmaceutical University (Nanjing, China). She has been carrying out research since 1994 on cardiovascular pharmacology, cancer pharmacology and neuropharmacology. From 2001 till 2008, she worked on molecular pharmacology & therapeutics in Loyola University Chicago (USA) as a Research Associate. In 2008, Zhuo Chen joined Division of Chemical Biology in FIRSM. Her current research focuses on design and synthesis of new anti-cancer drug entities and evaluation their pharmacological effects through experiments in cells and animals. During the past 5 years, she has more than 40 publications in international academic journals, and has presented her research work in a number of international academic meetings.
Her contact information is as follows:
E-mail: zchen@fjirsm.ac.cn Tel: (591)-63173094