
石宁,博士,19704月生,现为科学院福建物质结构研究所研究员,博士生导师。1992年毕业于武汉大学生物系并获得学士学位,2003年获北京协和医科大学生物化学及分子生物学博士学位。 2011年到福建物构所工作。有多年的从事生物化学及分子生物学的研究经验。研究工作主要集中在离子通道的结构与功能及蛋白质-蛋白质相互作用的结构机理方面。研究成果发表在包括NaturePNASJ.Biol.Chem.等国际国内杂志上。主要科研成果:解析了与在视觉和嗅觉系统中具有重要功能的CNG离子通道相似的原核NaK离子通道的三维晶体结构。并在此结构基础上,结合特定位置的突变研究了非选择性阳离子通道的一些基本特性,为进一步理解离子通道的选择性提供分子基础。这一研究成果发表在Nature杂志并有专文评论。


 主要研究兴趣: 膜相关蛋白及其相互作用分子的结构及功能研究。

E-mail: shining@fjirsm.ac.cn  联系电话:0591-63173093


1. Hu, F., Shi, X., Li, B., Huang, X., Morelli, X., and Shi, N. (2015) Structural Basis for the Interaction between the Golgi Reassembly-stacking Protein GRASP65 and the Golgi Matrix Protein GM130. The Journal of biological chemistry 290, 26373-26382

2. Chen, Y., Huang, X., Wang, R., Wang, S., and Shi, N. (2015) The structure of a GFP-based antibody (fluorobody) to TLH, a toxin from Vibrio parahaemolyticus. Acta crystallographica. Section F, Structural biology communications 71, 913-918

3. Shi N*, Zeng W*, Ye S, Li Y, Jiang Y. Crucial Points within the Pore as Determinants of K+ Channel Conductance and Gating. Journal of Molecular Biology. 2011 Apr 30. [Epub ahead of print] (The single asterisk indicates equal contributions.)

4Derebe MG, Sauer DB, Zeng W, Alam A, Shi N, Jiang Y. Tuning the ion selectivity of tetrameric cation channels – number of sites matters. PNAS. 2011 Jan 11;108(2): 598-602.

5Alam A, Shi N, Jiang Y. Structural insight into Ca2+ specificity in tetrameric cation channels.  PNAS. 2007 Sep. 25; 104(39):15334-9.

6Shi N, Ye S, Alam A, Chen L, Jiang Y. Atomic Structure of a Na+ and K+ Conducting Channel. Nature. 2006 Mar 23;440(7083):570-4.

7Dong J*, Shi N*, Berke I, Chen L, Jiang Y.Structures of the MthK RCK domain and the effect of Ca2+ on gating ring stability. J Biol Chem. 2005 Dec 6;280(50):41716-24. (The single asterisk indicates equal contributions.)

8Shi N, Ye S, Bartlam M, Yang M, Wu J, Liu Y, Sun F, Han X, Peng X, Qiang B, Yuan J, Rao Z. Structural basis for the specific recognition of RET by the Dok1 phosphotyrosine binding domain. J Biol Chem. 2004 Feb 6;279(6):4962-9.