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Structure search using DMC coupled with CALYPSO

  题 目:Structure search using DMC coupled with CALYPSO 

  报告人:Ryo Maezono 教授 

  单 位:JAIST 

  时 间:2023/6/20 03:30 

  地 点:嘉锡楼三层大会议室(305) 



  Dr. Maezono is a Professor at JAIST, working on Simulation Science. He got his BSc and PhD at Tokyo Univ. (Applied Physics/condensed matter theory on phase diagrams of magnetic oxides). He was a postdoc at Cavendish Lab., Cambridge Univ. (EPSRC fellow/2000-2002), and moved to NIMS (National Institute of Materials Science, Japan), as a tenure researcher (2001-2007), then moved to JAIST. Since his postdoc in Cambridge, he has worked on ab initio Diffusion Monte Carlo (DMC) calculations using massive parallel computations. As an expert of DMC method, he has given several lectures on many-body problems at several external National Universities in Japan. As a computer scientist, he has contributed also to the education of simulation, which contents are published in his books (ISBN:978-4627818217, 978-4627170315, 978-9819909186). He also leads several industrial collaborations with companies (Toyota-Motor/Sumitomo-Mining etc.), as well as those with experimental synthesis community in inorganic Chemistry.  


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