
吴立新男,1968年11月生,博士,中国科学院福建物质结构研究所研究员、博士生导师、学位委员会委员、工程技术委员会委员,国际先进材料与制造工程学会会士(SAMPE Fellow)、福建省功能树脂与复合材料工程研究中心主任、福建省包装联合会专家委员会主任。发表研究论文100余篇,授权专利80余件。主持科技部国家重点研发计划、福建省“揭榜挂帅”科技重大专项等技术攻关及产业化研发项目。系列研究成果获2022年和2020年福建省科学技术进步二等奖各一项。主要研究高分子材料和3D打印材料,特别是有关提高力学性能、阻燃性能和导热导电性能的研究。团队有多名外国留学生,具有浓厚国际文化氛围。

联系电话:0591-63173492    电子邮件:lxwu@fjirsm.ac.cn  



1. Xianmei Huang,Shuqiang Peng,Longhui Zheng,Dongxian Zhuo,Lixin Wu*,Zixiang Weng*. 3D Printing of High Viscosity UV-curable Resin for Highly Stretchable And Resilient Elastomer. Advanced Materials,2023,35(49),1-83. 2304430.

2. Zixiang Weng*,Xianmei Huang,Shuqiang Peng,Longhui Zheng,Lixin Wu*. 3D printing of ultra-high viscosity resin by a linear scan-based vat photopolymerization system. Nature Communications,2023,14(1),4303.

3. Naveen Thirunavukkarasu,Jianhong Gao,Shuqiang Peng,Abdelatif Laroui,Lixin Wu*,Zixiang Weng*. Mechanically robust 3D printed elastomeric lattices inspired by strong and tough hierarchical structures. Additive Manufacturing,2023,66,103451.

4. Yan Li,Shuqiang Peng,Kunrong Li,Dan Qin,Zixiang Weng,Jiangwei Li,Longhui Zheng,Lixin Wu*,Chang-Ping Yu*. Material extrusion-based 3D printing for the fabrication of bacteria into functional biomaterials: The case study of ammonia removal application. Additive Manufacturing,2022,60,103268.

5. Zian Wang,Shuqiang Peng,Lixin Wu*,Zixiang Weng*. Construction of ultra-long service life self-cleaning slippery surface on superhydrophobicity functionalized by ATRP treatment. Chemical Engineering Journal,2022,428,130997.

6. Shuqiang Peng,Zian Wang,Jinbin Lin,Jia‐Tao Miao,Longhui Zheng,Zhi Yang,Zixiang Weng*,Lixin Wu*. Tailored and Highly Stretchable Sensor Prepared by Crosslinking an Enhanced 3D Printed UV‐Curable Sacrificial Mold. Advanced Functional Materials,2021,31(10),2008729.

7. Yuewei Li,Shuqiang Peng,Jia-Tao Miao,Longhui Zheng,Jie Zhong,Lixin Wu*,Zixiang Weng*. Isotropic stereolithography resin toughened by core-shell particles. Chemical Engineering Journal,2020,394,124873.

8. T. Senthil,Zixiang Weng,Lixin Wu*. Interlaminar microstructure and mechanical response of 3D robust glass fabric-polyester composites modified with carbon nanofibers. Carbon,2017,112,17-26.

9. Jianlei Wang,Hongmei Xie,Zixiang Weng,T. Senthil,Lixin Wu*. A novel approach to improve mechanical properties of parts fabricated by fused deposition modeling. Materials & Design,2016,105,152-159.

10. Zixiang Weng,Jianlei Wang,T. Senthil,Lixin Wu*. Mechanical and thermal properties of ABS/montmorillonite nanocomposites for fused deposition modeling 3D printing. Materials & Design,2016,102,276-283.