



联系电话:0591-63173415E-mail: lzb@fjirsm.ac.cn



1. KMg(H2O)PO4: A Deep-Ultraviolet Transparent Nonlinear Optical Material Deriving from KTiOPO4, Chem. Mater., (2019) 31, 9540?9545. 

2. K2SrP4O12: a deep-UV transparent cyclophosphate as a nonlinear optical crystal, Chem. Commun., (2019) 55, 8454--8457.

3. Effects of Cr3+ ion concentration on the spectral characterization in Cr3+:Ca0.93Mg1.07Si2O6 crystals, Journal of Luminescence, (2019) 211, 8–13.

4. Spectroscopic properties and continuous-wave laser performance of Yb:Gd2SrAl2O7 crystal, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, (2019) 808, 151715, 1-7.

5. Growth and spectroscopic characterization of Tm3+:Ca10Li(VO4)7 crystal-a potential crystalline medium for 2 μm lasers, Journal of Crystal Growth, (2019) 520, 62-67.

6. An efficient 1052 nm Nd:LaMgB5O10 laser: a promising master oscillator for Nd:glass amplifiers, Laser Phys. (2019) 29, 035801-4.

7. From Sr2Nb2O7 to CaxSr2-xNb2O7: An Effective Enhancement of Nonlinear Optical Activity by a Simple Way of Cation Substituting, Cryst. Growth Des. (2018) 18, 4140?4149.

8. A new ~1 μm laser crystal Nd:Gd2SrAl2O7: growth, thermal, spectral and lasing properties, Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, (2018) 51, 125307:1-8.

9. MoSe2 nanoflower as the saturable absorber for 1 μm and 2 μm passively Q-switched bulk state laser, Materials Research Bulletin, (2018) 99, 168–173.

10. Disordered Tm:Ca9La(VO4)7: a novel crystal with potential for broadband tunable lasing, Optical Materials Express, (2017) 7(2), 484-493.

11. A promising ultrafast pulses laser crystal with disordered structure: Yb3+:Sr3Gd2(BO3)4, CrystEngComm., (2017) 19,1620–1626.

12. Crystal growth, optical spectroscopy and laser action of Tm3+-doped monoclinic magnesium tungstate, Optics Express, (2017) 25(4), 3682-3693.

13. Spectroscopic properties and continuous-wave laser operation of Er3+:Yb3+:LaMgB5O10 crystal, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, (2017) 695, 215-220.

14. Two novel Yb:YAG-based garnet solid solutions with broader spectral bandwidth, Journal of Luminescence, 181 (2017) 179–183.

15. Spectroscopy and laser performance of Yb3+:GdMgB5O10 crystal, Journal of Luminescence, (2017) 188, 7–11.

16. Improvement of second-harmonic generation induced by structural distortions in Nb doped YCa9(VO4)7 crystals, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, (2017) 726, 860-865.